How to Stay Stuck and Muted

You might have an urge to release your work in public. You might even have some friends or colleagues encourage you to release in public. Don't do it. Stay safe.

I've had years of practice of being stuck and muted. I have developed some useful scripts that might help you bolster your armory of excuses. Repeat these phrases every time you have an urge to share in public. I have divided the excuses into categories so you can focus on the areas that will keep you the most defended.


  • "Someone has already written on this topic."
  • "I don't have the _______. Fill in the blank: skills, talent, the knack
  • "I'm to unorganized."
  • I'm not ________ enough. Fill in the blank: smart, foolish, strong, eloquent, resilient.
  • "I'm not an expert"


  • "Everyone is already doing this."
  • "No one I know is doing this"
  • "I'll never be able to build an audience"
  • "There is nothing special about what I do."

Being Seen

  • "No one will see my work."
  • "Everyone will see my work. I'll be mocked."

Time and Effort

  • "I don't have the time."
  • "I need more time to get ready."
  • "It is too late! I should have started years ago."
  • "I'll do this after I _____" fill in the blank: retire, graduate, get certified, finish cleaning the garage.
  • "It's too hard."

Feel free to put me on mute because this is all garbage. Although your stories might have deep roots that stretch into your childhood, you can untangle the tyranny of these voices. No one has your unique blend of experiences, influences, and talents. Find a cohort of allies who believe in you. Take a risk to start a joy-filled journey of discovery.