From Writer's Block to Writer's Flow

“Who is more to be pitied, a writer bound and gagged by policemen or one living in perfect freedom who has nothing more to say?” ― Kurt Vonnegut

Every writer has a series of challenges. You might feel "bound and gagged" by fear, a jury of inner critics, perfectionism, or other maladies.

Some people talk about writer's block. You can fight it. We live in a time of abundance. There are so many people, systems, and tools that can help you move from writer's block into writer's flow.

Search out the concepts, PKM, Zettlelkasten, or Second Brain. Read up on Niklas Luhmann. Check out some thought leaders: Sönke Ahrens, Mark Bernstein, Nick Milo, Ramses Oudt, Conor White-Sullivan, or Tiago Forte. Explore some of the amazing tools— Obsidian, Roam, Tinderbox, Devonthink, Notion, Craft, and so many more.Here are a few ways that you can to move from writer’s block into writer’s flow:

  1. Have a workflow. Listen to Tiago Forte talk about C.O.D.E. (Collect, Organize, Distill, Express.) I have written about the G.I.V.E. Framework. Gather quotes, snippets, ideas, and fragments. Interweave these into your system. Gradually, add Value to your notes. Finally, Express yourself.
  2. Find ways of reminding yourself that you are making progress, keep a note page with links to your published work.
  3. Keep another note called, "Writing Queue." Keep a list of upcoming articles or essays. Keep adding value to your notes.
  4. There are tricks to uncover and build ideas in your system. Some programs help you surface a random notes. Some programs help you see backlinks or view maps that show connections. Create new links. Combine notes. Shuffle things around.

Enjoy the process!If you keep doing these things, you will stave off writer's block. If you feed your system, it will feed you. The world is hungry for fresh ideas and clear thinking. Feed us!